Invite The Gist team to your HubSpot portal

In order to perform the duties you've hired us for, our team needs to have proper access to your company's HubSpot portal. Here we provide instructions for inviting us and some other details about permissions and privacy.


We have HubSpot access for every single client we work with. For this reason, we take privacy very seriously here at The Gist. We will never share your CRM data with anyone under any circumstances. We won't invite unauthorized users to your portal. We won't export and share data. We won't even take any screenshots.

If your company policies require you to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before providing The Gist team access to your HubSpot portal, you can sign our standard NDA or provide one of your own.

If you need to have an NDA signed before giving us access to your HubSpot portal:

  1. Send us your NDA to sign.
  2. Contact us to request a copy of our Mutual NDA.

If you don't need to sign an NDA before giving us access to your HubSpot portal, you can skip this section. A Mutual NDA can always be signed at a later date.

Our Team and Roles

The vast majority of our clients provide us with Super Admin access. This is simply the quickest and easiest way to make sure we have all the access we need. And it prevents us from periodically having to go back and ask you to manually update permissions for each member of our team individually.

These are the users that will need access to your account:

Name Role Email
Phil Smith Account Manager
AJ Hilton HubSpot Manager
Matthew Parker HubSpot Developer
Kelly Kerl Content Manager
CJ Maurer Founder + Strategist


By default, any user you invite to your HubSpot portal will be a free user and they will not occupy a paid Sales Hub or Service Hub seat. Assigning a paid seat to a user is a specific action you can take after you've initially invited them to your portal.

To Edit Users & Teams:

  1. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of your HubSpot portal. This will take you into settings.
  2. Click "Users & Teams" on the left side menu. This will allow you to add, remove and edit the access levels for any and all users invited to your HubSpot account. 
By default, any user you invite to your HubSpot portal will be a free user and they will not occupy a paid Sales Hub or Service Hub seat. Assigning a paid seat to a user is a specific action you can take after you've initially invited them to your portal.

To Grant Super Admin access:

  1. Choose the option 'Start with a default permission set' once you've entered the email addresses:
2. Select 'Super admin' in the dropdown box:
If you do not want to grant super admin access, please contact for a list of needed permissions specific to your project.

Want More Information on User Setups?

To understand how users work in HubSpot, including the difference between paid vs non-paid users, view this document.